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The Centre features two training programmes specifically tailored for judges.
The training programme is co-funded by the DG Competition of the European Commission and targets national judges of the EU Member States.
Since the first edition in 2011, over 350 judges have attended ENTraNCE for Judges. The training takes place every year, each edition focusing on a recent development in competition law and economics. The training programme features:
In addition, every edition of ENTraNCE for Judges produces a working paper which includes case notes summarising national rulings in EU competition law presented by the participant. Finally, an ENTraNCE book with contributions by the speakers and judges attending the training is published after each edition. The book is edited by Professor Parcu, Professor Monti and Professor Botta and published by Edward Elgar Publishing.
The Seminar is a training programme designed for judges from EU Member States and officials of National Regulatory Agencies in the telecommunications sector.
Organised on behalf of the European Commission, DG CNECT, the training provides a forum for debate to national judges, regulators, and representatives from European Institutions and academia, where they can learn about the latest developments in the field and share experiences and best practices on various aspects of electronic communications regulation.
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