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Policy Brief: EU State Aid Law - Emerging Trends at the National and EU Level
Following our two workshops on State Aid in Brussels, EU State Aid Policy: the Forecast for the next Five Years and The Role of National Courts in State Aid Enforcement, Florence Competition Programme researcher...
The latest edition of CPI Antitrust Chronicle features a paper from FSR Comms and Media researchers Silvia Solidoro, Chiara Carrozza and FSR C&M Director Pier Luigi Parcu, titled SSOs v. Silos and the “Quality of Innovation”.
The paper proposes an analysis of how the “organisation of innovation” may affect its ultimate “quality”. A comparison of two models is made: Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs) and silos/platforms systems, as these are relevant when examining innovation processes in digital markets. Additionally, the paper examines aspects of these models that affect the quality of innovation: price, speed, transparency/social accountability and competition. The conclusion links these themes, with the aim of interpreting the effect of organisational arrangements on the “quality” of innovation. From the text:
“There is little doubt that SILOs produce innovation more rapidly and continuously than do SSOs. Nevertheless, it is also clear that the innovation produced by SILOs is much less transparent and accountable than the consensus-building technical process brought about in major SSOs…”
To find more about our assessment of SSOs and silos’ effectiveness in fostering innovation access the article here.
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