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Mario Siragusa
Senior Counsel
Cleary & Gottlieb
Mario Siragusa is a senior counsel based in the Rome office and spends a substantial part of his time in the Brussels office. Mario Siragusa focuses on corporate and commercial matters and he specializes in EU and Italian competition law and complex commercial litigation. He appears frequently before the European Court of Justice, the General Court of the European Union, the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission, as well as the Italian Antitrust Authority and Italian civil and administrative courts. He lectures regularly at conferences throughout the United States and Europe and has published numerous articles in U.S. and European legal journals.
He is a professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. His recent publications include: Recent EU and Italian Trends in the Energy Sector: Failure to Provide Information as Abusive Conduct, in The Interaction of Competition Law and Sector Regulation, Edward Elgar, 2022; Do we need to revise antitrust law? XIV Treviso Antitrust Virtual Conference, 2021; Payment Services in the EU: Price Regulation to Protect a Duopoly, Competition Law Journal, 2020; USA Against Big Tech, All Possible Scenarios and What It Means to Europe, Agenda Digitale, 2019; Private Antitrust Enforcement in Italy, Antitrust Chronicle (Volume 3, Number 1) (A. Comino co-author), 2019; Disapplication of National Law Conflicting with EU Competition Rules: the Italian Competition Authority’s Decision-Making Practice, Europäisches, deutsches und internationales Kartellrecht, Otto Schmidt, 2018; The EU Court of Justice Clarifies the Scope of the Regulatory Framework for Three-Party Schemes but Individual Assessment Is Needed to Determine Whether Fee Caps Apply, Concurrences, 2018.
In 2021, Mr. Siragusa was appointed President of AIGE, Associazione Italiana Giuristi Europei. Mr. Siragusa joined the firm in 1973, became partner in 1980 and a senior counsel in 2018. He graduated with honors from the Law School of Rome University in 1970 and received a Diploma of High European Studies from the College of Europe, Bruges, in 1971. He received an LL.M. from Harvard Law School in 1972.