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Klaudia Majcher
Affiliated Researcher
Centre for a Digital Society
Research Fellow
European University Institute
Klaudia Majcher is a Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence. She is also affiliated as a Senior Associate Fellow with the Brussels School of Governance at the Free University of Brussels, where in 2020 she obtained her doctoral degree with a dissertation on interactions between EU data protection and competition law in digital markets. Between 2020 and 2023, Klaudia worked as an Assistant Professor in the Competition Law and Digitalization Research Group at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Prior to that, she was a Digital Policy Analyst at the European Political Strategy Centre, the in-house think-tank of the President of the European Commission in Brussels.
Klaudia’s research focuses on digital competition law, digital regulation, green competition law, as well as interactions between competition law and other legal areas, including data protection. She is the author of a book titled ‘Coherence between Competition Law and Data Protection in Digital Markets’ published by the Oxford University Press in 2023.