The team

Giovanna Massarotto
University of Pennsylvania
Giovanna Massarotto is a fellow at the Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition (CTIC) at the University of Pennsylvania and an affiliate of the University College London’s Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT). She is an international antitrust scholar with expertise in information technology and digital markets. Massarotto is author of Antitrust Settlements: How a Simple Agreement Can Drive the Economy (Kluwer, 2019) and co-author and co-editor with Prof. Christopher S. Yoo of a forthcoming edited volume entitled Ex Ante Antitrust Regulation of Digital Platforms: Lessons from the History of Regulated Industries (Cambridge University Press, 2024). In addition to the books, she has published multiple articles that investigate antitrust and regulatory issues related to digital markets, blockchain, AI and software, and is invited regularly to present her work internationally.