Digitisation and technology adoption: effects on firms, industries, and workers
Malafrasca Digital Talk
03 April 2025
12:00 - 13:30 CET
Seminar room 5, Villa Malafrasca and online
Traditional statistics cannot capture the phenomena of diffusion and adoption of rising new technologies, which poses urgent socio-economic concerns. This event will present a new methodology and discuss the related empirical evidence from some EU countries.
The impact of digitisation and the adoption of new technologies at large (automation, robotics, Artificial Intelligence) raises urgent socio-economic concerns. And if we add to the picture, the almost null effect on productivity growth stemming from such technologies, the scenario is even grimmer. The stakes posed by the current wave of innovation adoption are so pervasive that there is high policy attention and intense research activity.
Unfortunately, the official statistics are not adequately equipped to monitor and assess the phenomena of diffusion and adoption of such new technologies. Hence, most of the literature employs ad-hoc surveys, thus heavily limiting the possibility of comparing the effect across countries and time periods.
This seminar will present a methodology to assess the socio-economic impact of new technologies that relies on customs (imports) data, which are available for the universe of firms and across most developing countries. In addition to the introduction of the methodology, which can be applied to a wide range of different contexts, results concerning Italy and France will be presented.
The Malafrasca Digital Talks are a series of lunchtime presentations organised by the Centre for a Digital Society and The Centre for media Pluralism and Media freedom. In these sessions, renowned experts share their knowledge on core issues related to the centre's main research areas, fostering dynamic discussions that encourage questions, debate, and knowledge sharing.
Scientific Organiser
Leonardo Mazzoni
European University Institute
Pier Luigi Parcu
European University Institute
Daniele Moschella
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Marco Grazzi
Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Angelo Cuzzola
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna