ENTraNCE Books The Interaction of Competition Law and Sector Regulation. Emerging Trends at the National and EU Level Edited by Pier Luigi Parcu, European University Institute; Giorgio Monti, Tilburg University and European University Institute; and...
ENTraNCE – European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers – for Judges is a training programme for national judges of the EU Member States actively dealing with competition law cases. ENTraNCE for Judges provides participants with an overview of the EU competition law and an introduction to the economic theories underpinning its enforcement. Each edition focuses on a specific aspect of competition law enforcement and produces a collection of case-notes prepared and presented by participating judges. So far, more than 380 national judges from all over the European Union have participated in the ENTraNCE for Judges programme.
3-4 day Residential training: judges attend seminars taught by EUI professors, guest speakers from other top international academic institutes, and from the European institutions and national courts dealing with competition law proceedings.
E-learning: through a dedicated online platform judges periodically receive reading materials – academic articles, European and national case-law and other relevant documents – and interact by posting and commenting news concerning recent competition law developments.
Case-notes: judges summarise and comment on national judgements related to the field of competition law in case-notes, exchanged on the online platform and published in the Working Paper Series of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advances Studies, following each training edition. The aim of the publication is to increase the understanding of the challenges faced by the national judiciary in enforcing national and EU competition in the context of the decentralised regime of competition law enforcement introduced by Reg. 1/2003.
2-day Final workshop: at the EUI in Florence. Judges participating in the training present their case-notes and have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with judges invited from national and EU supreme courts
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