We produce high-quality, policy-relevant research to inform decision makers and advance the academic debate.
Multi-disciplinary research and training to lead the digital transformation
The Centre for a Digital Society engages in the public debate on the impact of digitalisation on markets and democracy.
Our mission is to advise decision makers on addressing the challenges of digital transformation by delivering high-quality, independent, policy-oriented research.
Our core activities are academic research, policy events and executive training.
The Centre for a Digital Society is based at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute. The Director is Professor Pier Luigi Parcu.
We produce high-quality, policy-relevant research to inform decision makers and advance the academic debate.
Our events provide an ideal space for different stakeholders to exchange ideas, share best practices, debate emerging policy issues and enhance their networks.
Our training programme draws from the latest academic findings and expert insights from practitioners, combining them into short- and long-term courses.
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12 February 2025
A data-driven perspective: insights from YouTubeRead more
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25 February 2025
Malafrasca Digital TalkRead more
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12 March 2025
Malafrasca Digital TalkRead more
This publication discusses the potential impact of the AIA on the regulation of biometric data, which is currently regulated by a scattered regulatory framework.
Digital technologies are rapidly evolving, affecting our lives in novel ways with sometimes unpredictable results. Together, policymakers and stakeholders must help society to make the most of these opportunities while also preventing negative effects on citizens and democracy. We endeavour to provide independent research to help build a fair digital future where we all can thrive.
Pier Luigi Parcu
Director, Centre for a Digital Society