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Antitrust Enforcement and Big Tech Companies
Last Friday, November 16th, at the Faculty of Law of the University Roma Tre of Rome, Prof Parcu gave a talk at the International Seminar “Antitrust Enforcement and Big Tech Companies“. The Seminar, organized...
Following the Florence Competition Programme’s third Annual Conference: Competition Law and Standard Essential Patents on October 12, we are happy to share a new video about the FCP annual conference and photos of the event and presentations from speakers Jorge L. Contreras, Dina Kallay, Damien Geradin, Giorgio Monti and Pier Luigi Parcu. You can find each of the presentations attached below. To the see more photos, check out the full album on Flickr.
Jorge L. Contreras
Dina Kallay
Damien Geradin
Giorgio Monti
Pier Luigi Parcu
- Jorge L. Contreras, Licensing SEPs: When are License Terms Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory?
- Dina Kallay, The Goals of Standard Development Organizations(SDOs) IPR Policies & FRAND Commitments
- Damien Geradin, Competition Law and SEP: Testing the Limits of Extra-Territorial Enforcement
- Giorgio Monti, SEP and Extraterritorial Extraterritorial Law Enforcement
- Pier Luigi Parcu, Competition Law and Standard Essential Patents: Testing the Limits of Extra-territorial Enforcement
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