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Giorgio Monti
Centre for a Digital Society
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Giorgio Monti joined the EUI in 2010, where he held the Chair in Competition Law until August 2019. Prof. Monti is currently a Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
In addition, he holds the Coase Chair in Law and Economics at Tilburg University. He writes on all aspects of competition law, with a particular interest in the aims pursued by antitrust enforcement; his book “EC Competition Law” (2007, second edition in preparation) places antitrust enforcement in its economic, institutional and policy context to explain how the law evolves.
He has taught competition law at all levels, from undergraduates to industry professionals and also to judges and civil servants. He is a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network, and member of the editorial board for Concorrenza e Mercato.